Di mana dan Bagaimana

Di mana dan Bagaimana

Friday 24 June 2011

Dilemma bersama introvert

Sambungan daripada thread yang lepas....

Sebelum aku menyambung artikel yang lepas, perlu aku ingatkan diri ini. Ini adalah blog aku sendiri. Maknanya, aku bebas menulis mengikut rentak bicara dan pengalaman aku sendiri. Jika ada yang tidak bersetuju atau rasa masam kelat, sila ke kaunter maklumbalas, kita akan bersambung di sana. Hehehe

Antara isu-isu yang selalu melengkari diri aku bila berkawan dengan introvert ialah:

1. They want to be understood but failed to behave at par as per social code. Knowing introvert, they have a lot in their mind but difficult to let it out of the brain in structured way. Most of them disappointed with their inability to make others understand and result to withdrawal themselves from social interaction. What they need is a space and time to make themselves more eloquent; and as an extrovert with knowledge of their lack, i learn to be patience with them even though it's like boiling myself. Hihi

2. They have a lot rules, if u dare to be their friend. Believe it or not! They are so anti-social but then they have bundle of dos and dons. Wanna be their friend means u have to agree to their pointless rules in life. For example, no phone call. They don't like to be engaged on the phone, you can call them up but for you to set an appointment. Hihi...Sometime i wonder when they need friend, they will call u and forget all about their rules especially when they are at turmoil. Well  my point is, all of us have our own set of rules in life but rules are rules and we are not robot that bound to that rules all the time, so be more empathy when people need you. Yes, we know you don't like to pick up the phone...so don't ever have one!Hihi

3.  Sharing information and feeling are not their forte, so they will keep everything beneath their skin. The best way to get to what they have, be it information or the latest news about sales in shopping mall is to ask them directly. I mean real direct such as , do you know where is the best seafood restaurant in town? Then you will get the answer. If you keep on playing with your words and hoping they will share the information, you can give a try. One of their most possible answer is "you don't ask me?" And yet they called themselves a listener and thinker. Hihi

4. They are quiet but not necessary a good listener. You may pour your heart  into them but don't expect to get a reasonable advice because they are too busy analysing the facts, and the dates, and the logic, and the truthfulness of your story and they tend to forget about everything that matters to you. Well, the same thing happen when you pour your heart into someone who is typical extrovert, you can't even finish the story because they are too busy to make their own stories instead. Either way, the art of listening is for everybody to learn and master. So please, don't claim yourself as a listener just because you are introvert. Get it!

5.  "Hati kering"...what is the exact vocab for this in english? They are heartless. I learn this in a very hard way through my experience with friends and family members. Still , they are always look good in the eyes of others because their lack of verbal ability to come clear, straight forward conversation and they love so much to put things underground. It is good to avoid confrontation then, that's what they believe in. We extrovert loves confrontation...well if it clear the air, no reason not to. So when they refuse to come forward, they would rather choose the abnormal/unusual way to escape themselves from being liable to whatever they engaged to.
Somehow the option that they choose, it's so hurtful and selfish to others. Again, they are still looking good to outsiders, don't worry. For those who has that experiences, don't alarm with this statement. We make an effort to understand them and protect ourselves from being hurt from time to time.We learn and we adapt.

Cukuplah itu saja luahan perasaan aku untuk topik ini. Aku masih belajar untuk mengimbang kualiti-kualiti yang ada pada diri ini. Self-acceptance adalah satu topik yang sangat luas untuk difahami bagitu juga dengan self-developement, jadi kita semua masih tertakluk pada dua kumpulan ilmu ini untuk berterusan memperbaiki diri.

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